Getting Started


How to configure Kpow

Your options for configuring and deploying Kpow Community edition:

  1. Run the Docker container with no arguments and use the Kpow Setup Wizard UI
  2. Run the Docker container with environment variables configuring your Kafka resources
  3. Use the Kpow Helm charts to run Kpow Community Edition in Kubernetes

Kpow Setup Wizard UI

If you provide no configuration to Kpow, you will be prompted with a wizard to configure your Kafka resources when you launch Kpow.

If you are using the suggested docker run command (below) the UI can be accessed at http://localhost:3000

You can select Use template to pick an existing template or just import an existing .properties file by clicking on Import properties file

The Kpow Setup Wizard UI

Kpow environment variables

You can use environment variables to configure Kpow and avoid the wizard UI.

For example, you can create a kpow.env file:

# Name this Kpow Installation 
ENVIRONMENT_NAME=Kpow Community Demo

# Configure Kafka cluster
SASL_MECHANISM=PLAIN required username="USERNAME" password="PASSWORD";

# Configure Schema Registry

# Configure Connect
CONNECT_NAME=Connect Cluster

# The license details from your community sign-up email
LICENSEE=Factor House

And start Kpow like so:

docker run --pull=always -p 3000:3000 --env-file ./kpow.env -m 2G factorhouse/kpow-ce:latest

Confluent Cloud example configuration

Kpow Community fully supports Confluent Cloud, including integration with the metrics API and Confluent Managed Connect and Schema resources.

Example ccloud.env configuration file:

# Name this Kpow Installation
ENVIRONMENT_NAME=Kpow Community Demo

# Configure Kafka cluster
SASL_MECHANISM=PLAIN required username="your-username" password="your-password";

# Configure Schema Registry

# Configure Connect Cluster

# Configure Confluent API Key+Secret for enhanced metrics

# The license details from your community sign-up email
LICENSEE=Factor House

We can use that ccloud.env config file like so:

docker run --pull=always -p 3000:3000 -m 2G --env-file ./ccloud.env factorhouse/kpow-ce:latest

For more information on the optional, additional api-key for integration with the Confluent Metrics API, see: Confluent Cloud.

Evaluate Kpow with Docker Compose

Our kpow-local GitHub repository contains a reference configuration of Kpow, Kafka, Schema, and Connect.

Simply check out the project, run Docker Compose to start all the resources, and evaluate Kpow Community Edition locally.

Environment Variable Reference

Kafka cluster

Kpow supports all standard Kafka connection properties.

Environment VariableRequired?Description
BOOTSTRAPtrueThe Kafka cluster bootstrap URL
SECURITY_PROTOCOLfalseSpecify the connection security protocol, acceptable values are: PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT, SASL_SSL, or SSL
SASL_MECHANISMfalseSASL mechanism used for client connections. This may be any mechanism for which a security provider is available. GSSAPI is the default mechanism.
SASL_JAAS_CONFIGfalseJAAS login context parameters for SASL connections in the format used by JAAS configuration files. JAAS configuration file format is described here. The format for the value is: 'loginModuleClass controlFlag (optionName=optionValue)*;'. For brokers, the config must be prefixed with listener prefix and SASL mechanism name in lower-case. For example, required;
SASL_CLIENT_CALLBACK_HANDLER_CLASSfalseThe fully qualified name of a SASL client callback handler class that implements the AuthenticateCallbackHandler interface.
SASL_KERBEROS_SERVICE_NAMEfalseThe Kerberos principal name that Kafka runs as. This can be defined either in Kafka's JAAS config or in Kafka's config.
SASL_LOGIN_CALLBACK_HANDLER_CLASSfalseThe fully qualified name of a SASL login callback handler class that implements the AuthenticateCallbackHandler interface. For brokers, login callback handler config must be prefixed with listener prefix and SASL mechanism name in lower-case. For example,
SASL_LOGIN_CLASSfalseThe fully qualified name of a class that implements the Login interface. For brokers, login config must be prefixed with listener prefix and SASL mechanism name in lower-case. For example,
SASL_KERBEROS_KINIT_CMDfalseKerberos kinit command path.
SASL_KERBEROS_MIN_TIME_BEFORE_RELOGINfalseLogin thread sleep time between refresh attempts.
SASL_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_JITTERfalsePercentage of random jitter added to the renewal time.
SASL_KERBEROS_TICKET_RENEW_WINDOW_FACTORfalseLogin thread will sleep until the specified window factor of time from last refresh to ticket's expiry has been reached, at which time it will try to renew the ticket.
SASL_LOGIN_REFRESH_BUFFER_SECONDSfalseThe amount of buffer time before credential expiration to maintain when refreshing a credential, in seconds. If a refresh would otherwise occur closer to expiration than the number of buffer seconds then the refresh will be moved up to maintain as much of the buffer time as possible. Legal values are between 0 and 3600 (1 hour); a default value of 300 (5 minutes) is used if no value is specified. This value and sasl.login.refresh.min.period.seconds are both ignored if their sum exceeds the remaining lifetime of a credential. Currently applies only to OAUTHBEARER.
SASL_LOGIN_REFRESH_MIN_PERIOD_SECONDSfalseThe desired minimum time for the login refresh thread to wait before refreshing a credential, in seconds. Legal values are between 0 and 900 (15 minutes); a default value of 60 (1 minute) is used if no value is specified. This value and sasl.login.refresh.buffer.seconds are both ignored if their sum exceeds the remaining lifetime of a credential. Currently applies only to OAUTHBEARER.
SASL_LOGIN_REFRESH_WINDOW_FACTORfalseLogin refresh thread will sleep until the specified window factor relative to the credential's lifetime has been reached, at which time it will try to refresh the credential. Legal values are between 0.5 (50%) and 1.0 (100%) inclusive; a default value of 0.8 (80%) is used if no value is specified. Currently applies only to OAUTHBEARER.
SASL_LOGIN_REFRESH_WINDOW_JITTERfalseThe maximum amount of random jitter relative to the credential's lifetime that is added to the login refresh thread's sleep time. Legal values are between 0 and 0.25 (25%) inclusive; a default value of 0.05 (5%) is used if no value is specified. Currently applies only to OAUTHBEARER.
SSL_KEY_PASSWORDfalseThe password of the private key in the key store file. This is optional for client.
SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATIONfalseThe location of the key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.
SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORDfalseThe store password for the key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if ssl.keystore.location is configured.
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATIONfalseThe location of the trust store file.
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORDfalseThe password for the trust store file. If a password is not set access to the truststore is still available, but integrity checking is disabled.
SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLSfalseThe list of protocols enabled for SSL connections.
SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPEfalseThe file format of the key store file. This is optional for client.
SSL_PROTOCOLfalseThe SSL protocol used to generate the SSLContext. Default setting is TLSv1.2, which is fine for most cases. Allowed values in recent JVMs are TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3. TLS, TLSv1.1, SSL, SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be supported in older JVMs, but their usage is discouraged due to known security vulnerabilities.
SSL_PROVIDERfalseThe name of the security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is the default security provider of the JVM.
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPEfalseThe file format of the trust store file.
SSL_CIPHER_SUITESfalseA list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol. By default all the available cipher suites are supported.
SSL_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ALGORITHMfalseThe endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate.
SSL_KEYMANAGER_ALGORITHMfalseThe algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the key manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine.
SSL_SECURE_RANDOM_IMPLEMENTATIONfalseThe SecureRandom PRNG implementation to use for SSL cryptography operations.
SSL_TRUSTMANAGER_ALGORITHMfalseThe algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine.

Kafka Connect

Open Source Connect

Kpow supports connections to Kafka Connect

Environment VariableRequired?Description
CONNECT_REST_URLtrueThe rest endpoint of the Connect instance
CONNECT_AUTHfalseAn enum for the authentication method. Set to BASIC if the Connect instance is using basic authentication.
CONNECT_AUTH_USERfalseThe basic auth username
CONNECT_AUTH_PASSWORDfalseThe basic auth password
CONNECT_PERMISSIVE_SSLfalseWhether to allow insecure https connections (default: false)

MSK Connect

Kpow supports connections to MSK Connect

Note: you will also need to pass through the appropriate IAM permissions to the Kpow container.

Environment VariableRequired?Description
CONNECT_AWS_REGIONtrueThe AWS region your MSK Connect instance resides in.

Schema Registry

Confluent Schema Registry

Kpow supports connections to Confluent Schema Registry

Environment VariableRequired?Description
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URLtrueThe REST endpoint of the Schema Registry.
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_AUTHfalseSpecifies the value for basic.auth.credentials.source (eg, USER_INFO)
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_USERfalseIf auth set to USER_INFO, the basic auth username
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PASSWORDfalseIf auth set to USER_INFO, the basic auth password

AWS Glue

Kpow supports connections to AWS Glue Schema Registry

Note: you will also need to pass through the appropriate IAM permissions to the Kpow container.

Environment VariableRequired?Description
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_ARNtrueThe ARN endpoint of the Schema Registry.
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_REGIONfalseThe AWS region the Schema Registry instance resides in.