Metrics glossary

group_host_countgaugeclusterThe number of distinct hosts in the consumer group.
simple_topic_offset_laghistogramclusterThe total lag of all simple consumer assignments reading from a topic
topic_leader_preferred_percentagegaugeclusterThe percentage of partitions where the preferred leader (first replica in the list of replicas) is the actual leader within the Kafka topic.
group_offset_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of offsets of a group (consumed msgs/s)
cluster_leader_preferred_percentagegaugeclusterThe percentage of topic partitions where the preferred leader (first replica in the list of replicas) is the actual leader in the Kafka cluster.
broker_dir_bytes_totalgaugeclusterThe total disk size in bytes of a broker directory
broker_end_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of end offsets of a broker (produced msgs/s)
cluster_controllergaugeclusterThe ID of the broker that is acting as the controller
ccloud_active_connectionsgaugeclusterThe number of active connections as reported by the Confluent Cloud metrics API.
broker_bytes_totalgaugeclusterThe total disk size in bytes of a broker
topic_offset_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of all assignment offsets reading from a topic (consumed msgs/s)
simple_topic_offset_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of all simple consumer assignment offsets reading from a topic (consumed msgs/s)
group_consumption_inactive_minsgaugeclusterThe number of minutes a group has seen no reads since it was first observed.
broker_offset_laghistogramclusterThe total lag of all assignments reading from a broker
host_offset_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of all group member offsets served by a host (consumed msgs/s)
topic_consumption_inactive_minsgaugeclusterThe number of minutes a topic has seen no reads since it was first observed.
broker_dir_bytes_usablegaugeclusterThe usable disk size in bytes of a broker directory
group_topic_consumption_inactive_minsgaugeclusterThe number of minutes a group has seen no reads to the topic since it was first observed.
group_stategaugeclusterThe state of the consumer group, where the value is the ordinal of org.apache.kafka.common.ConsumerGroupState
topic_inactive_minsgaugeclusterThe number of minutes a topic has seen no reads or writes since it was first observed.
topic_production_inactive_minsgaugeclusterThe number of minutes a topic has seen no writes since it was first observed.
topic_offset_laghistogramclusterThe total lag of all assignments reading from a topic
topic_countgaugeclusterThe number of topics in the Kafka cluster
topic_end_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of end offsets of a topic (produced msgs/s)
cluster_reassignments_in_progressgaugeclusterThe number of topic partition reassignments currently in-progress on the cluster.
group_countgaugeclusterThe number of consumer groups in the Kafka cluster
topic_bytes_diskgaugeclusterThe disk size in bytes of a topic
broker_offset_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of all assignment offsets reading from a broker (consumed msgs/s)
broker_start_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of start offsets of a broker (deleted msgs/s)
simple_broker_offset_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of all simple consumer assignment offsets reading from a broker (consumed msgs/s)
broker_countgaugeclusterThe number of brokers in the Kafka cluster
broker_bytes_usablegaugeclusterThe usable disk size in bytes of a broker
simple_broker_offset_laghistogramclusterThe total lag of all simple consumer assignments reading from a broker
acl_countgaugeclusterThe number of ACLs in the Kafka cluster
simple_topic_consumption_inactive_minsgaugeclusterThe number of minutes a topic has seen no reads by a simple consumer since it was first observed.
topic_start_deltahistogramclusterThe total delta of start offsets of a topic (deleted msgs/s)
group_member_countgaugeclusterThe number of member assignments in the consumer group.
group_offset_laghistogramclusterThe total lag of all assignments of a group
broker_dir_bytes_diskgaugeclusterThe written disk size in bytes of a broker directory
cluster_uniform_replication_factor_percentagegaugeclusterThe percentage of topics that have a uniform replication factor.
host_offset_laghistogramclusterThe total lag of all group members served by a host
broker_bytes_diskgaugeclusterThe written disk size in bytes of a broker
connect_connector_unreachable_totalgaugeconnectThe number of connectors that Kpow failed to query for
connect_task_running_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of connector tasks running
connect_connector_paused_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of paused connectors
connect_task_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of connector tasks
connect_task_failed_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of connector tasks failed
connect_connector_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of connectors
connect_task_unassigned_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of connector tasks unassigned
connect_connector_task_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of tasks a connector has
connect_connector_task_paused_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of paused tasks a connector has
connect_connector_task_stategaugeconnectThe state of the connector's task
connect_connector_failed_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of failed connectors
connect_connector_task_failed_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of failed tasks a connector has
connect_connector_unassigned_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of unassigned connectors
connect_task_paused_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of connector tasks paused
connect_connector_stategaugeconnectThe state of the connector
connect_connector_running_totalgaugeconnectThe aggregate number of running connectors
connect_connector_task_running_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of running tasks a connector has
connect_connector_task_unassigned_totalgaugeconnectThe total number of unassigned tasks a connector has
jetty_ws_connectionsgaugefactorhouseThe number of active WebSocket connections to Kpow.
ksqldb_tables_countgaugeksqldbThe number of tables in ksqldb.
ksqldb_sources_countgaugeksqldbThe number of sources (streams and tables) in the ksqldb.
ksqldb_queries_countgaugeksqldbThe number of queries (persistent and push) in ksql.
ksqldb_streams_countgaugeksqldbThe number of streams in ksqldb.
group_assignment_first_observedgaugeoffsetThe timestamp of when the consumer group was first observed reading from this topic partition.
group_assignment_deltagaugeoffsetThe change in the consumer group offset for this topic partition over time (measured in consumed messages per second).
group_assignment_offsetgaugeoffsetThe latest observed offset position of the consumer group for this topic partition.
group_assignment_last_readgaugeoffsetThe timestamp of when the consumer group was last observed reading from this topic partition.
partition_endgaugeoffsetThe end offset of a topic partition
topic_end_sumgaugeoffsetThe sum of all partition end offsets of a topic
partition_startgaugeoffsetThe start offset of a topic partition
registry_subject_countgaugeschemaThe number of subjects in the schema registry
streams_client_stategaugestreamsThe state of the streams instance, where the value is the ordinal of org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams.State
streams_data_pointsgaugestreamsThe number of collected data points (metrics) Kpow has collected for this KafkaStreams application.
streams_stategaugestreamsThe aggregated streams state of the group, where the value is the ordinal of org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams.State