
Keyboard shortcuts

Understanding keyboard interactions in Kpow

Kpow follows the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) patterns to deliver accessible elements. All Kpow widgets (such as buttons, menu buttons and dropdowns etc) implement the ARIA spec for keyboard interactions, roles, states and properties.

In short, all widgets in Kpow follow this pattern: users can tab to the widget, then use arrow keys within the widget. To lose focus of a widget (such as a tooltip, slide dialog or menu) you can use the escape key.

Kpow keyboard shortcuts

Certain user interfaces in Kpow have a custom set of keyboard shortcuts.

Custom keybindings are currently not supported in Kpow. We are actively working to deliver this feature.

Data inspect

Execute search (when kJQ filter is focused)<Shift>+<Enter>
Navigate through kJQ filter history (when kJQ filter is focused)<Up> and <Down>

ksqlDB execute

Execute statement (when SQL input is focused)<Shift>+<Enter>
Navigate through SQL history (when SQL input is focused)<Up> and <Down>


Evaluate expression<Shift>+<Enter>
Navigate up the REPL history, when cursor is at the beginning of the expression.<Up>
Navigate down the REPL history, when cursor is at the end of the expression.<Down>