Kafka Connect

Access Control

User permissions to Kafka cluster resources are defined by Connect actions. See: User authorization.


Kafka Connect

The following connects to a standard Kafka Connect cluster using the standard REST API.

Kpow connects to a Connect cluster with environment variables.

CONNECT_NAMEUI and logs friendly name for this connect
CONNECT_STARTUP_VALIDATION(Optional) Validate that the Kafka Connect server is reachable at startup. When set to false, and Kpow cannot reach the host, an error message will be displayed in the UI, and Kpow will attempt to reconnect to the specified host. Default: true
CONNECT_REST_URLThe client connection URL for your connect cluster
CONNECT_AUTHBASIC if basic authentication is configured
CONNECT_BASIC_AUTH_USERUsername if basic authentication is configured
CONNECT_BASIC_AUTH_PASSPassword if basic authentication is configured
CONNECT_OFFSET_STORAGE_TOPIC(Optional) Topic that holds connect offsets
CONNECT_GROUP_ID(Optional) Unique string identifying worker cluster group
CONNECT_PERMISSIVE_SSLTrue if SSL certificate validation should be disabled
CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSThe timeout value in ms for all HTTP requests made to a Kafka Connect cluster. Default: 5000
CONNECT_RESOURCE_IDSOptional, comma separated list of unique ids. Only specify when configuring multiple connect clusters
CONNECT_OBSERVATION_VERSIONOptional, specifies the snapshot version to use. Defaults to 1
CONNECT_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATIONOptional, specifies the keystore location to use when connecting to the REST API over SSL.
CONNECT_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPEOptional, specifies the keystore type when connecting to the REST API over SSL. Example: PKCS12, see KeyStore for more info
CONNECT_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORDOptional, specifies the keystore password when connecting to the REST API over SSL.
CONNECT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATIONOptional, specifies the truststore location when connecting to the REST API over SSL.
CONNECT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPEOptional, specifies the truststore type when connecting to the REST API over SSL.
CONNECT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORDOptional, specifies the truststore password when connecting to the REST API over SSL.
CONNECT_AUTO_RESTARTOptional, specifies a comma-separated list of connectors to restart when Kpow identifies them as failed. See: auto-restart connectors
CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART_WINDOW_MSOptional, specifies the window between successively attempting to restart a failed connector. Default: 600000
CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART_LIMITOptional, specifies the maximum number of failed connectors Kpow will attempt to restart each one-minute interval. Default: 50

Confluent Cloud Managed Connect

To configure Confluent Cloud's managed connect see: Managed Confluent Connect.

MSK Connect

To configure Amazon's MSK Connect view see: MSK Connect.

Configuring multiple Connect Clusters

Kpow supports multiple Kafka Connect clusters associated to a single Kafka cluster.

To configure multiple Kafka Connect clusters, use the environment variable CONNECT_RESOURCE_IDS to define a comma separated list of Connect clusters. Kpow uses the resource ID as a prefix in the environment variable.

Example configuration when configuring two Kafka Connect clusters:


In this example we have defined connections to two Kafka Connect resources: DEV1 and QA2

Note: the values for CONNECT_RESOURCE_IDS must be upper-case like DEV1 and not dev1.

Observation version

To control how Kpow snapshots Kafka Connect, use the CONNECT_OBSERVATION_VERSION flag to set the observation version.

By default, when CONNECT_OBSERVATION_VERSION is set to 1, Kpow follows a two-step process to capture connect metadata. First, it retrieves all connectors with a single query. Then, with the specified parallelism level, it makes multiple REST calls for each connector: a separate call for task, status and connector information.

This method can be resource-intensive for larger connect clusters, as the number of REST calls increases proportionally to the number of connectors.

Alternatively, when CONNECT_OBSERVATION_VERSION is set to 2 (Kafka Connect only), Kpow uses a single-step process to capture connect metadata. It makes a single REST call to fetch all connectors, including their metadata.

This approach can be much more efficient than version 1, but is only supported by more recent Kafka Connect API versions (version 6.2 and above).

SSL Connections

Kpow can connect to the Kafka Connect REST API over SSL. Kpow uses standard TrustStore and KeyStore environment variables to specify the certificates required to make the secure connection over SSL to the Kafka Connect server.

In order for Kpow to connect over SSL you will need to configure your Kafka Connect server appropriately. See KIP-208 for more details.

Refer to the environment variables table above to see the full list of environment variables available.

Example SSL configuration


In the example above we have configured Kafka Connect to use a KeyStore volume mounted at /docker/ssl.

Auto-restart connectors

Kpow offers the ability to automatically restart specified connectors and failing tasks, providing enhanced reliability and uptime for your data integration workflows.

To enable this feature, simply set the CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART environment variable in your configuration.

When activated, Kpow will monitor for failed connectors at one-minute intervals. After attempting to restart a connector, Kpow will wait for the user-configured amount of time before trying again. By default, this interval is set to 10 minutes, but you can adjust it using the CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART_WINDOW_MS environment variable.

Additionally, Kpow allows you to specify a limit on the number of connectors that can be restarted automatically. The default limit is 50 connectors, but you can modify this setting using the CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART_LIMIT environment variable. This feature helps prevent excessive restart requests being sent to the Kafka Connect cluster.

All restart attempts will be logged in the audit log as actions performed by the kpow_system user.

If you have configured Kpow's Slack integration, all restart attempts will also be sent to a Slack webhook. This integration enhances real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities, ensuring that your team is promptly notified of any restart actions taken by Kpow.

Note: If the connector is failing more frequently than CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART_WINDOW_MS limit then it may require manual intervention.

Example configuration

CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART="*" # restart all failed connectors
CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART="dbz-connector-1" # restart **only** the connector dbz-connector-1 when it enters a failed state
CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART="mysql-prod-us*" # restart any connector that matches the wildcard (mysql-prod-us-east1, mysql-prod-us-west2, etc)
CONNECT_AUTO_RESTART="payments-*,*-stage" # you can specify many filters by providing a comma-separated list